Dragon Boys is a high-octane thriller and an extraordinary human drama, and features one of the most star-studded casts ever assembled for a Canadian production. Byron Mann, Steph Song, Tzi Ma, Lawrence Chou and Eric Tsang star in this four-hour CBC mini-series that centers on a Chinese Canadian RCMP detective and an immigrant family who confront a deadly threat from Asian organized crime. Dragon Boys is written by Ian Weir and directed by Jerry Ciccoritti. Ian Weir and Michael Chechik are executive producers; Howard Dancyger is producer.
Set in Richmond and Vancouver, British Columbia, Dragon Boys is a sensational thrill-ride that weaves together three stories of contemporary West Coast life. Though fictional, it is based on meticulous research. Opening a window onto the world of Asian organized crime in West Coast Canada, the mini-series examines how the impact of organized crime ripples through the wider community, both in terms of the social and economic toll it takes and the stereotypes it propagates. Along the way, it explores themes relating to the immigrant experience, social dislocation, and personal and cultural identity.
The creative team behind the camera is as stellar as the cast. Director Jerry Ciccoritti (Trudeau, The Many Trials of One Jane Doe) has won a slate of awards, including seven Gemini Awards for Best Director. Writer and executive producer Ian Weir is an award-winning playwright and screenwriter and creator of the long-running teen drama, Edgemont. President of Omni Film Productions, executive producer Michael Chechik’s many credits include Edgemont, Champions of the Wild and The Odyssey.
Dragon Boys is scheduled to air on CBC on January 7th and 8th at 8 pm ET/PT
Official Dragon Boys website: www.dragonboys.ca
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